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Where The “Whole” Leader is Supported and Appreciated.
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My mission is simple. It’s to get you to a place of feeling good when you think and speak so that you lead from a place that lifts you and others around you.. I know conscious, authentic communication (the kind that makes you feel vulnerable) may make you feel nervous at times, but I promise if you stick around here, you’ll get better and better at it. You just need the tools to own the room with confidence, influence vs. inform and make genuine connections with the people you work with.
It’s time for us all to ditch the facade of being what we’ve been programmed to believe is “professional.” AKA: What you think other people want you to be and step into the clarity of just being you. After all, it’s you and your expertise that got you the job and the clients in the first place. 😃
And if you’re wondering what spirituality and science has to do with becoming a better communicator and leader …. buckle up! You’re in for the inside-out self-improvement journey of a lifetime.
Cut the Crap: Are You Gaslighting Yourself?
Join Tihanna Louise as she delves into the often-overlooked struggle of self-gaslighting. Discover how to recognize and overcome this internal barrier to unlock your true potential. It's time to celebrate your achievements and trust your intuition!
How To Create The Reality You Truly Desire
Your reality does indeed come from your perception. And your perception IS a complex bundle of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, past experiences, and expectations – basically, it’s YOU in any given moment.
And depending on which YOU shows up will determine your own reality..
How to Keep Your Energy TURNED ON (even during the holidays!)
Oh, ho, ho, here come the holidays. With Thanksgiving happening in just two days, it’s time to cue the stressiest time of the year. I meant: the happiest time of the year.
But, let’s be real: for most of us, the holidays can be an extremely stressful time. So, just in time for this season, I have a quick reminder about a very effective way to maintain a high level of energy even during the holidays.
Here's the deal: if we want to be successful (and who doesn’t?)...
What Is Public Speaking & Why Does Everyone Need To Know How To “Do” It?
Okay, it’s the post-pandemic world and you’re holed up in your WFH office, wearing your WFH yoga pants, drinking your WFH (maybe spiked) coffee. Public speaking isn’t just the last thing on your mind… it’s the last thing you think you need to worry about.
Because most people do. Worry about public speaking, that is.
Don’t React… CREATE: How to Own Your Thoughts, Feelings & Triggers
What if you could transform the energy it takes to REACT to something into energy that CREATES?
And what if that thing it creates is something extraordinary and beneficial, inspiring and productive, or even restful and restorative?
It’s a no-brainer… but it doesn’t come naturally. Which means, in order to transform reactionary energy into creative energy, you must DECIDE TO DO IT and then WORK AT IT.
The Daily Detox - Why You Should Clear Your Energy Field Before and After Work
Given much thought to your energy lately? I don’t mean your enthusiasm level or your daily caffeine intake or even your post-workout, post-deal-closing, post-quittin’-time I’M KING OF THE WORLD go-get-em energy. I’m talking about your internal, deep-seated, very personal energy, which is essentially the filter through which you experience, interpret, and understand your world.
I’d say that makes it pretty important.
Everything is Energy: How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
According to quantum physics, our thoughts are the source of reality. Everything that we see and experience is a product of thought energy. We are all connected through an energy field called the collective consciousness, which responds to our thoughts and emotions by creating reality. Each person’s mind gives rise to its own dimension within which they experience different forms of matter and energy; this is how we end up with subjective experience in an objective world.
Workplace Toxicity? 3 Ways to Protect Your Energy Like A Pro
Let's face it: we've all had to deal with a toxic workplace at some point or another. Whether your experiences have been as extreme as the one I’ve described above or not (oftentimes, these types of situations can very quiet indeed: an eye roll behind your back, a microaggression of some kind, malicious office gossip… not all toxic workplaces display themselves so loudly), I can guarantee that if you’ve spent any significant amount of time in the corporate world, you know exactly what I mean when I say toxic workplace.
The Ultimate Guide for Leaders: Surviving & Thriving Through Retrograde Season
On September 9, Mercury began its third retrograde of the year, starting in Libra before continuing into Virgo on the 23rd, and not resuming direct course until October 2nd. Count on stalls, lurches, miscommunications, backfires, and other flaws in the plan along the way. No two signs are more concerned with objective perfection than Libra and Virgo, making the trickster planet’s work that much easier — and your life that much harder.
Control Your Mind or Let Your Mind Control You (aka, Free Your Mind and The Rest Will Follow)
Deeply embedded belief systems can’t be helped with self-help-platitudes.
Regarding the experiences we have in life, whether work-related or personal, we always have 2 basic choices:
We can let our preconceived assumptions, notions, knee-jerk reactions, and emotions control what we think, feel, and say; or
We can gain control over ourselves, our minds, and all of those -tions and choose happiness and positivity.
How Mastering the Art of Forgiveness Can Help You Become a Better Leader
Without forgiveness, there can be no trust. Without trust, there can be no leadership.
You know that old saying, heavy is the head that wears the crown? There is a direct relationship between effective leadership and responsibility that can easily be overlooked in a corporate structure of titles, management, and business hierarchy.
Why I Walked Away From A 6-Figure Contract, Part 2
When I walked away from a 6-figure contract earlier this year (completely separate from my scenario above), I walked away from a superficially diverse c-suite filled with mostly (white) women and a few men. And, as excited as I was to join what was sold to me as a “sisterhood”, it was a horribly toxic, inauthentic nightmare of a company - that literally made me and my family sick.
Why I Walked Away From A 6-Figure Contract, Part 1
Yes, we are all responsible for our own energy, protecting it, elevating it, understanding it, and shifting it for our own good. To do so successfully, we must accept and implement a radical level of self-care.
Sometimes this self-care looks like staying. And sometimes it looks like walking away.
How Women Speak: The Professional's Playbook to Harness the Power of Feminine Energy
Let’s talk about something that isn’t necessarily new, but is rather a much-needed approach for successful women and men in today’s professional environment to break limiting gender stereotypes inside of communication at work, helping them cultivate healthy professional relationships on all levels. Hint: this has got nothing to do with sacrificing any part of who you are.
Why We Need More Feminine Energy in Leadership
What if the real issue we should be discussing is less about gender and more about energy?
Here’s the real issue I want to address: it’s time to move away from the gender conversation and start addressing masculine and feminine energy. Feminine and masculine energies are equally important BUT in the world we’re living in today, more feminine qualities – like empathy, receptiveness, openness, intuition, etc – are desperately needed.
Success Is An Energy Job
The common definition for energy is the ability to do work. In other words, everything and anyone who can do work has energy. Energy causes or makes change. It is either transformed or transferred every time work is being done. Since it changes form every time it’s used, the amount of energy in the universe will forever remain the same. It’s transference rather than recreation.
Success, Energy & Leadership
Success is achieved when and only when you can perform at the top of your game with high-level, highly-engaged energy for a sustained amount of time. Engaged energy is the type and amount of energy you are using at any given time on any given day. This is important because engaged energy plays a vital role in your success.
Success is An Inside-Out Job
I don’t even have to know you to know that you want to have some kind of success in your life. While you may have already achieved your version of success on some level, you know, deep down, you were made for more – you want more; you need more; you feel the passion for more. This doesn’t necessarily mean more money (though no shame if it does), it can simply mean more of how you define success for yourself, for your family, and for your community.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Find Out What It Means For Your Energy!
Whether you’ve seen the recent Jennifer Hudson biopic on Aretha Franklin or not, you are undoubtedly familiar with the refrain: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
Respect! This can be a make-or-break factor in career success – whether you feel you are receiving enough of it, unable to give it, or simply not being met in a reciprocal way.
Disrespectful behavior in the workplace takes many forms, from subtle comments…
Why Everyone Needs to Understand Their Personal Energy Levels
Let’s talk assessments for a second. Everyone knows Myers-Briggs and most have had their Enneagram typed. Then there’s Strengths Finder, DiSC, The Four Color Personalities, Goleman’s EQ Test… the list goes on and on.
The Enneagram test outlines nine different interconnected personality traits, with 27 additional subtypes. The nine traits are then grouped into three different “centers”…