Success, Energy & Leadership

I talk about success and energy on this blog A LOT.  But what is the correlation between the two and why does it matter to you?

Success & Energy

Success is achieved when and only when you can perform at the top of your game with high-level, highly-engaged energy for a sustained amount of time. Engaged energy is the type and amount of energy you are using at any given time on any given day. This is important because engaged energy plays a vital role in your success. 

Depending on what your default level of energy is when you get challenged, stressed out, scared or worried is what determines whether or not you can overcome your difficulties, achieve your goals, and get what you want. It is all wrapped up in your energy level. (hint: one way to gauge this is through the things you say to yourself and others during these times)

But how do you change it?

Enter (drumroll, please!) the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI).

The ELI helps provide insight into how you show up in various situations and measures potential leadership ability by your level of consciousness. (Leadership here is defined not by a traditional leadership or administrative role). Everyone is a leader. A leader is someone who has the potential to impact, influence or affect anyone and anything at any time. Whether by choice or by default, you are a leader. 

The ELI reveals your awareness and your ability to lead others and yourself -- how you take positive, sustained productive action, how engaged you are in the roles, tasks and jobs you have at work and at home (even when you feel yourself burning out). It looks at how you show up in your own life. It also shows your energetic reaction to stress. This is crucial because once you understand this, you are in a position to do something about it. You can change it and modify it.

The Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) provides a snapshot of your current perception and attitude towards life as well as your behavioral patterns and belief-system. It has been tested and approved by thousands of individuals as well as numerous Fortune 500 companies. 


Receive individualized analysis, interpretation and coaching after you receive your 11-page assess­ment. Gain insights into where (and how) you're investing your energy and discover a clear path to your work and life goals-and likely, a higher A.R.L. (Average Resonating Level of Energy). This is also a huge benefit to improving how strategically you communicate.

The Leader of Today & Tomorrow…

Today’s leader must be participatory and flexible yet also powerful enough to inspire others. No formula is available that can teach the ideal leadership style, since what works for some people doesn’t work for others, and what works at times doesn’t work all the time. Any particular leader’s style is based on previous learning and experiences, while the nature of energy--and people as energetic beings--is always changing. As a consequence, today’s leaders must not only have a great deal of knowledge and experience, they must be flexible and open to change as well.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a manager as someone who controls. Unfortunately for most businesses, that definition is taken literally. But being an effective leader in the twenty-first century requires letting go of the autocratic, dictatorial, controlling stereotype we have witnessed over the last half century.

Energy Leadership is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes those you work and interact with, yourself, and your entire organization.

The Energy Leadership Development System is firmly rooted in 7 levels of awareness, and will catapult your energy and performance to a level that is perceived by all those around you as the “ideal” for leadership.

The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and overall leadership capabilities. The ELI forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System, by providing you with a baseline for your current level of awareness, performance, and effectiveness. You progress through a debriefing and orientation process that then enables you to plan your development roadmap.

You’ll understand the concept of levels of energy, and how they are related to leadership excellence. You’ll then learn how to shift your energy to present yourself in a way that inspires greatness in others.

Your Development Program: Building Your Foundation

The first part of the Energy Leadership Development System is the foundational segments that help you know where you are, realize where you want to be, and recognize and break through any of the blocks that are in the way of your success.

• Assess yourself with the Energy Leadership Index

• Undertake program orientation and plan your roadmap

• Learn the 7 levels of leadership

• Identify strengths and gaps to achieve your ideal image

The most successful leaders in the world truly enjoy what they do. In fact, when asked,

they consistently say that they feel they rarely ever “work.”

The Result of Energy Leadership?

More Production, less effort, with more fulfillment!


Re-Creation: The Importance of REAL R&R


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