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Where The “Whole” Leader is Supported and Appreciated.

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My mission is simple. It’s to get you to a place of feeling good when you think and speak so that you lead from a place that lifts you and others around you.. I know conscious, authentic communication (the kind that makes you feel vulnerable) may make you feel nervous at times, but I promise if you stick around here, you’ll get better and better at it. You just need the tools to own the room with confidence, influence vs. inform and make genuine connections with the people you work with. 

It’s time for us all to ditch the facade of being what we’ve been programmed to believe is “professional.” AKA: What you think other people want you to be and step into the clarity of just being you. After all, it’s you and your expertise that got you the job and the clients in the first place. 😃

And if you’re wondering what spirituality and science has to do with becoming a better communicator and leader ….  buckle up! You’re in for the inside-out self-improvement journey of a lifetime.

Public Speaking, Women in Leadership, Women, Career Tihanna Louise Public Speaking, Women in Leadership, Women, Career Tihanna Louise

The Power of Your Voice: Why Women Professionals  Should Master the Art of Speaking

Discover how mastering confident communication can be a game-changer for women professionals in the business world.

In this blog, we explore how your voice can be your greatest asset in building your brand, forming meaningful business relationships, and amplifying your presence on social media.

Learn strategies to showcase your expertise with authority, engage effectively at networking events, and embrace public speaking opportunities to solidify your leadership role.

Unlock the potential of your voice to not only advance your career but also inspire and empower others. Elevate your influence in business and beyond.

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Women, Self-Improvement, Personal Development Tihanna Louise Women, Self-Improvement, Personal Development Tihanna Louise

Celebrating Mother's Day When You Don't Feel Like Celebrating

For some people, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of loss. And for those who haven’t lost their mom or access to their children, it could still be a difficult time – memories of disconnection, instability, dysfunction, and more can certainly be brought to the surface. For the rarest – those women who have managed to reach the age of motherhood themselves without a) losing their own moms and b) a past better left undisturbed – this can STILL be a tough season fraught with disappointment, unmet desires, and additional stress.

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6 Public Speaking Tips (especially) for Women

Excellence in public speaking is not gender-dependent. However, certain psychological traits – such as risk aversion, willingness to compete, or aversion to feedback – contribute to explaining gender differences that occur not only in occupations, wages and careers, but in development in the area of public speaking. The ability to give a good public presentation is relevant for career prospects and leadership positions; presenting information publicly, clearly and eloquently creates an important competitive advantage in a variety of job settings.

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