Tihanna Louise

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Why I Use Tarot & Oracle Cards

If you were tasked with presenting visual information in a compelling and organized way that, incidentally, anticipated what was coming in the next season, you might not consider that to be a part of a spiritual practice.  You might rely on intuition, prior experience, or various other metrics of so-called prediction.  All of us, in some way or another, engage in prediction as a way to plan our next best move.

One of the tools I rely on daily for guidance is tarot and oracle cards.  Tarot cards are a vehicle to give guidance, and as shamans like to say, “medicine” around what is happening in your personal orbit: love, money, career, goals, and general life path.  Through my intuitive connection with my cards, I’m able to access my “higher coach” so to speak. The cards aren’t necessarily “predictive” but are very much “prescriptive”.  It’s literally like having a direct conversation with what you may call the “Universe”, “Source”, “Divine” or God. 

I love what actress and tarot practitioner Rachel True says, “The tarot tells the story of humanity, giving you insight into yourself by helping you clarify the now and make better choices for the future. They’re like a shrink in a box and spiritual Xanax all rolled into one”. 

In short, there’s nothing weird or woo about it. I pull a tarot and oracle card every morning as part of my daily journaling practice. I use them to help guide my clients. I use them when meeting a new client or working on projects where I need clarity. I’ve used them to help clients and manage difficult working relationships. I give readings and intuitive messages as gifts to my friends and loved ones. I’ve yet to have anyone do anything but thank me for it. 

I was introduced to oracle cards by a colleague after a transformation training session.  She did an angel oracle card reading for me and it blew.me.away.  It was as if big-picture answers and instant clarification were suddenly on tap straight from the Universe -- answers to questions I hadn’t verbalized to anyone.  The cards were speaking to me in a very direct, divine way.  After that reading, I became obsessed with cards… I committed to learning tarot and it eventually led me to incorporate readings and a higher level of spirituality into my coaching business, as I became more and more aware of how incredibly powerful and helpful it could be for my clients.

Some of The Benefits:

Tarot allows me to hear the voice of the divine in a new way, while deepening my intuitive gifts and ability to sense.  Oftentimes, the cards serve as a confirming voice to something I have always sensed or believe to be true.  They are my informed second opinion.  They aren’t necessary but they can be incredibly helpful and insightful when journeying inside your own thoughts and emotions.  They can be both clarity and confirmation.  They can be the voice of reason. 

The cards are a method of tuning into a divine conversation. They can help you get answers to the deepest, darkest, most burning/urgent questions, especially when you are confused or stressed -- even without verbalizing them.  The cards serve as mirrors to help you see things you have become blind to due to circumstances, short-sightedness, confusion or despair. They are great for when you need to be called out on your own B.S. 

Tarot can offer a form of loving support.  The cards offer tough love -- in the form of gentle and positive messages of support along with corrective guidance. It’s sometimes easier to receive those messages from the cards vs. people or a coach. The cards don’t judge or criticize, they simply reflect the truth (the higher truth).

How to Get Started with a Reading:


  1. Hold the cards in your hand. Take a few deep breaths and tune into your “higher” self or “higher power” and request that energy to be with you during the reading. Ask for clear messages that will benefit your highest path.  This is setting your intentions for the session.

  2. While still holding the cards in your hand, “knock” or tap the pile of cards several times to spread your energy into the deck.

  3. Give the cards a thorough shuffle.

  4. Cut the cards into three piles and then put them into one pile again.

  5. Spread the cards on the floor or table.

  6. Choose the cards you are drawn to.

  7. Consult the guidebook and more importantly, your own intuition!


I am a big fan of having mentors in every area of my life, and that includes spirituality.  Learn from others and then make the practice your own!  Take what serves you and leave the rest behind -- we all take intuitive direction in different ways.  

 I would recommend that you begin with tarot readings from a professional and learn what the process involves.

 Some great tarot and Oracle mentors I’ve worked with include:

 Mary Jo Cranmore @ Soulful Revolution 

Colette Baron Reid

Jessica Dore 


If you’re interested in working with me around learning the tarot or getting a reading, click here.