What Phony PPL* Can Teach Us About Patience

Five principles to keep you focused while you create your life (and a chance to win a seat at Phony PPL’s ongoing tour!)

You don’t have to know anything about astrology to know the past few weeks (uh, maybe even longer) have been I-N-T-E-N-S-E.

Many of my clients, zodiac-literate or not, have come to me exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, or just generally freaking out, saying things like, “what is going on, everything feels so weird, nothing is working” or “I feel like I can’t even move” or “I’m just having to evaluate everything and everyone and cut people off, I’m so fed up!”  Lack of motivation combined with increased frustration creates a spiral that feeds on itself -- and it ain’t fun.

I’m not one of those “Mercury Retrograde messes everything up” kind of people, BUT I must say: we are actually coming out of one of the most energy-intense Mercury Retrogrades I’ve ever experienced. 

On a personal note, I have to admit: I did everything you’re not supposed to do when Mercury decides to move backwards.  I relaunched my website, ramped up communication with my team and my audience via online channels, traveled and depended solely on airport/airline wifi to get  work done (and it DID NOT work, btw) and signed plenty of contracts. Let’s just say: it did not go smoothly.

So, how did I keep going? By exercising a TON of ... patience!

All of this reminded me of a blog I was inspired to write a while back after seeing one of my favorite bands in concert. 

I’d like to share it with you -- and I think it’s especially timely for all of us who may have been Going Through It over the past few weeks (months, years…). 

Here’s the previously published blog:

Recently, I got a chance to catch Brooklyn based hip-hop soul band Phony PPL at NYC's historic BlueNote Jazz Club. I’ve followed this awe-inspiring group for the past three years. First, let me say I am always amazed at the genius level of artistry, lyricism and musicianship the group displays in their songs and live stage performances. When it comes to music and storytelling, these guys really do seem to have "crash-landed from another planet." The band is L-I-T, and the best part about seeing them live is getting to witness five young, uber-talented musicians, who each play at least one instrument, rock all the way out on stage! It's literally creativity in motion!

The genre-bending band’s lead singer, Elbee Thrie, did more than just sing though. He engaged the audience in a back and forth conversation about what "keeping it real" really means today as a hip-hop group, and he shared some of the personal highs and lows he and his bandmates have experienced while making their highly-anticipated follow up album to the hugely popular Yesterday's Tomorrow. Elbee, or “Threece,” as he calls himself, hinted at the bouts of emotional turmoil, frustration and painful ego shedding it took to get the album written and recorded.

Clearly it was a process not to be rushed and, of course, with the manifestation of any great work, a little pain can and should be expected. But their story got me thinking about my own life and the processes I go through when working hard to move beyond something difficult, push through a big project or simply deal with delays, disappointments and pain. As passionate co-creators of our lives, a challenge is often inevitable. But this night, Phony PPL served as a reminder to keep thinking outside the box and to keep pushing beyond your limitations when you’re on the verge of birthing something new within you! It doesn't matter if it's an album, a website, a book or a relationship, committed action mixed with a whole lot of patience will get you there.

However, it won't happen by sheer will and determination alone. How we talk to ourselves, and how we think and respond to the issues we face, is super important and crucial to remaining grounded in the middle of these fruitful, growth seasons.  

So, what should our thoughts inside look like when everything outside appears out of alignment?

Here are five thought-shifting principles that always help me:

1. Everything is always working out for my good.

There are no mistakes. Everything happens for a reason. Trust that and you have discovered a major "secret" to living a balanced life. 

2. What’s for me will always come to me, and it will come in divine timing.

You don't have to push or try to control things. In fact, the more you "let go" of expected outcomes, the more things can easily flow your way. Release your death grip on life.

3. God’s rejection is also God’s protection.

If one thing doesn't work, it's because there is another way or a better way. Let this perceived loss take its course and get busy moving on to the next thing. Trust it will evolve even better than expected and it will.

4. I am the creator of my own reality and no one can take anything from me.

You are the master of your life, meaning you are responsible for everything in it. Each and every experience, good and bad. No one can create that for you, therefore no one has the power to make you feel or do anything, unless you give that power away. Use this principle as a reminder to stand in your power and to drop the victim mentality as soon as it comes up. No blame. No guilt. No beat up.

5. I can’t do everything at one time, but I can do all things one at a time.

Stop rushing trying to get it all done at one time. Work hard and do what needs to be done when it needs to be done, but enjoy the process! Stay present. Focus on what you want vs. what you don't want, and then take inspired action. Watch things begin to magically move for you.

Saying these principles out loud and to myself helps ease any fear, stress or anxiety, and shifts me back into a mindset of positive focus. 

Bringing it back to the music… I am so passionate about what PHONY PPL is bringing to the stage that I am GIVING AWAY TWO FREE TICKETS to both their upcoming November 5 (Berkeley, CA) and November 24 (NYC) shows!


  1. Follow me on IG.

  2. When you see the PHONY PPL Content posted on my IG, leave a comment explaining how you are practicing patience in your life these days!

  3. Winners will be announced via IG Live on November 1.

*In no way do I or this promotion represent Phony PPL, nor are they involved in this promotion, nor do I own any rights to their music... but I am a HUGE fan and a massive supporter of kickass art, so Phony PPL, if you're reading this, I'd love for you to be involved in this promotion. Just sayin'

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