Stop Settling for Leftovers: You Deserve the Whole Feast
Can we get real for a second?
How many times have you caught yourself saying, “I’m grateful for what I have,” but deep down, you feel a nagging sense that you’re meant for more?
I’m not saying gratitude isn’t important—it absolutely is. But let’s not confuse being thankful with settling for scraps of joy when you were made to thrive.
Gratitude without an unwavering belief in your worthiness can easily become a comfortable cage.
Here’s the truth:
You can’t manifest abundance, joy, peace, or fulfillment if you don’t believe you deserve them. Period.
We all know that one person who walks around like they own the world, and things just seem to work out for them.
They land the dream job, find the healthy love, and live a life that screams “overflow.”
What’s their secret?
Do they have better luck?
A magic formula?
It’s that they’ve done the work to believe they’re worthy of good— they truly believe it.
It’s not lip service. It’s not just writing affirmations they don’t really feel. It’s an unshakable truth they embody every day through their actions.
Why Deservingness Feels So Foreign
Here’s the deal: A lot of us don’t even realize we’ve unconsciously decided we’re unworthy.
Maybe it’s that voice in your head whispering, Who are you to want that?
Or the way you shrink and become ‘humbler than thou’ when it’s time to applaud yourself or ask for what you need—at work, in relationships, or even in the mirror with yourself.
We’ve been taught to hustle, to prove ourselves, to earn everything.
So when it comes to believing we’re inherently worthy of good, it feels unnatural.
Almost selfish. But that mindset will keep you stuck every single time.
Deservingness doesn’t come from what you’ve done. It comes from who you are.
Lip Service vs. Embodiment
Here’s where most people get tripped up: They say they believe in their worthiness, but their actions don’t match.
It’s one thing to affirm, “I deserve peace and joy,” but it’s another thing entirely to:
Set boundaries with people who drain your energy.
Stop saying yes to things that don’t light you up.
Walk away from relationships, jobs, and situations that don’t align with your highest good.
Talk yourself up when you’ve done a good job.
Deservingness shows up in the way you treat yourself when no one’s looking.
It’s in the standards you hold for your life.
November’s Real Challenge: Gratitude + Deservingness
We’re in the season of gratitude, and yes, let’s celebrate that.
But I challenge you to go deeper.
Gratitude is about appreciating what you have, but deservingness is about stepping boldly into what you want.
Let me ask you this: When was the last time you allowed yourself to desire something without guilt - or a reason?
When did you last stop to say, “I don’t just want this—I deserve it”? Not because of what you’ve done, but because of who you are.
Let’s stop clapping for everyone else’s blessings while staying small in our own lives.
You deserve the job that fulfills you, the relationship that adds to your peace, the wealth that lets you breathe easy, and the freedom to live a life aligned with your purpose.
Actions Speak Louder Than Affirmations
This isn’t about repeating empty mantras in the mirror.
It’s about showing up every day as someone who knows they’re worthy.
Do you let yourself dream big without overthinking and shrinking?
Are you heavily investing in your growth and well-being?
Do you say hell-to-the no to what doesn’t serve you, even when it’s hard?
When you align your actions with the truth that you’re worthy of the life you desire, the universe takes notice. That’s when the shift happens.
Final Thoughts: It’s Time to Own Your Worth
You weren’t put on this earth to just survive.
You’re here to thrive, to overflow, to live fully.
But no one can give you permission to believe in your worthiness.
That’s your job.
So today, right now, I challenge you: Stop settling for leftovers.
It’s time to claim your seat at the table and feast.
You deserve the good life—and not just any life—a life that fills you with peace, joy, and fulfillment.
But you’ve got to believe it first. <3.