Biggest Way to Success in 2024 (hint): It's Not in Your Resume

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It's the time of year when we hear all the cliche’ talk about setting intentions. 

Deep breath ….

I’m not here to encourage you to do any of that.

But I do have a question…

And I think it’s an important to consider as we head into yet another year…

Have you ever pondered what truly drives success in your professional life? 

Hint: It's not just about your achievements.

Or the accolades you've collected. 

It’s about an often overlooked aspect of success – how you treat people

Ready to stop and take a look?

Success in the workplace transcends just hitting target achievements.

It's fundamentally linked to a people-first mindset. 

This realization isn’t new insight.

It did, however, hit as as a stark reminder recently.

I had an encounter with two C-suite leaders. 

On the surface, they were the epitome of friendliness and professionalism. 

But, behind closed doors…it was a different story.

Turns out they were ….

….controlling, mean, prided themselves on micromanaging

….and regularly indulged in gaslighting themselves and their team.

This experience was eye-opening. 

It reinforced my belief that toxic leadership styles must go - now.

The not only hamper team morale but also derail an organization's success. 

No room for that energy in 2024.

It's a good time to remember the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in leadership - something these two women seemed to want no parts of. 

So, how do you generate a genuine people-first approach?

How do you communicate it?

It starts with being in an organization that champions this ethos. 

If you find yourself in a toxic environment, it's a clear sign of a value mismatch. 

But in a supportive setting, embracing a people-first mindset can be transformative.

What’s the formula: (it isn’t rocket science)

  1. Listen actively to your colleagues. 

  2. Understand their challenges. 

  3. Be willing to understand (and share) your challenges.

Be honest. Keep it R-E-A-L.

Be the collaborator and communicator who builds bridges, not barriers. 

Contrary to some opinions, vulnerability and authenticity at work are strengths. 


They foster trust and respect. 

And that’s priceless in today's professional landscape.

It’s also beneficial for your mental health.

So I’ll say it again …

While achievements are crucial, the relationships you build pave the road to success.

Happy almost New Year. 

-Tihanna Louise


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Cut the Crap: Are You Gaslighting Yourself?