Tihanna Louise

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Everything is Energy: How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

“Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life's coming attractions.”

Sounds super woo, right? Like maybe some crystal-wielding, priestess-wannabe with sage in one hand and paleo santo in the other said it somewhere during a full moon in the forest.

Guess who really said it?

Albert Einstein.

He’s universally (see what I did there?) known as a pretty smart guy.

But you don’t need some genius from ages past to tell you about how our thoughts shape our reality: you can see evidence of it in your own life. If you so choose.

Let’s stick with the science for a moment.

According to quantum physics, our thoughts are the source of reality. Everything that we see and experience is a product of thought energy. We are all connected through an energy field called the collective consciousness, which responds to our thoughts and emotions by creating reality. Each person’s mind gives rise to its own dimension within which they experience different forms of matter and energy; this is how we end up with subjective experience in an objective world.

For example: you and I are at the same park at the same time. I’m having a terrible day and you’re having The Best Day Ever. You take in the blue sky, the chirping birds, the gentle breeze, the sounds of children playing, the green grass beneath your feet while you inhale the sweet smell of a crisp, autumn day and all you can think is: WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY!

So how is it that I could be in the exact same moment and experience it in a completely different way?

If I’m having a sh*tty day, that’s how.

Let’s say I’m mad at my coworker for yet another slight; irritated with my boss for not calling it out; ticked off with myself for not being more assertive; mad at my kids for making me late (again); and starving because I didn’t have time to get my lunch together (again). So, here I am in this stupid park filled with loud, obnoxious birds and kids, stomach rumbling, heels sinking into the muddy grass, hair being blown into my face, and all I can think about it: I HATE THIS DAY!

Objective facts exist:

  • The day is sunny

  • The park is grassy

  • The children are playing noisily

  • The birds are singing audibly

  • There is a breeze

And yet 2 people in the exact same objective reality can experience it in an entirely different (subjective) way. Happens all the time, in fact.

The difference? The thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of the individual. And what comes before the thoughts? The beliefs.

The path to a more satisfying, enlightened and downright happier life, then, is to change the beliefs that control your perceptions and emotions. This will lead to greater success and is the key to understanding reality, which can be summed up as follows: your thoughts create your reality

Remember: it’s not just woo. It’s science. If you go into a job interview angry and worried that the other candidates are probably more qualified than you, chances are that’s how it’s going to pan out. If you’re feeling anxious about trying something new, chances are you will succeed or fail based on your mindset – not your qualifications.

According to the National Science Foundation, the average person thinks about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Ninety-five percent of those thoughts are repetitive, and 80 percent are negative. A massive amount of those thoughts float around in your head with you barely noticing because they are unconscious thoughts.

In other words, you are unconsciously creating most of the time, which explains why you are surprised—and possibly unhappy—with what your life looks like.

If you repeat thousands of negative thoughts every day, you are more likely to attract something negative into your life. And if you are unaware of what you are thinking, you will create a lot of things you might not want.

And it’s not just our thoughts that have creative power. It’s our words, as well. Because before you say anything negative, you think it.

How often do you find yourself thinking and then speaking negatively? Let's face it: we're all guilty of doing it at some point. But, when you choose to observe your situation as objectively as possible, you will notice that when you engage in negative thinking and speaking, you enable toxic thoughts and feelings to take over your mind.

A lot of us tend to be pessimistic because of the things we've experienced. It’s easy to let past failures and mistakes shape our assumptions about the future. I've been there before. I used to always imagine the worst possible scenario regarding everything that would happen in both my professional and personal life. I always felt like nothing good would ever happen to me, no matter how hard I tried. Unfortunately for me, I simply did not realize that everything is energy, and my negative thoughts were creating a toxic reality for me.

I didn’t know it then, but I sure do know it now. And I’m passionate about helping others not only learn about this truth, but also DO SOMETHING about it to improve their lives.

What if you could pause negative thoughts and begin to transform your perspective? Imagine the shift in energy that you can create from putting a stop to negative thoughts before they've had a chance to control your emotions, take over your mind or put you in a depressive state. Visualize how much good could come from saying simple things, like "I can do anything I set my mind to do. I will succeed. I believe in myself. I am ready to handle any challenge that I may face."

Yeah, I get it: to some people, these are “just” words. But when you replace the negative narrative with an optimistic one (even with something simple as reciting positive affirmations at the start of each day), a genuine change begins to happen. You start to create this incredible reality for yourself, where suddenly, you feel like you're capable of doing anything you want. No… you don’t just feel it.  You know it.

Does that mean you won't have off days from time to time? Of course not. We all have them. But it does mean that you'll learn how to get out of that negative space because you don't want to fall into the habit of creating a toxic, gloomy, miserable reality.

The words we say are far more powerful than we can imagine. It's one of the many reasons we must be mindful of what we're putting out there. You can't expect to live a positive life if you're waking up each day wishing that you didn't have to ((fill in the blank)) or immediately saying negative things about yourself or others. Whenever you do that, you're creating negative energy in the atmosphere that will impact every aspect of your life.

If you feel like you've been stuck in a rut lately, consider the thoughts that lead to the words you're using and the impact they can have on your life. I challenge you to focus on changing your mindset to experience a genuine shift in energy. It starts with getting up in the morning fully prepared to tackle the day, reciting positive affirmations, and telling yourself that everything is going to be okay. The optimistic energy will create a new reality for you that is far better than you could ever imagine.