Chad Rountree, Chief Executive Officer, Propel America

When Tihanna and I first began our sessions, the two significant challenges I faced were understanding the underlying perspectives that shaped my leadership and impacted my entire organization as well as overcoming a lack of self-confidence that led me to over-prepare for external engagements, be it fundraising, speaking engagements, or high-stakes partnership meetings.

Tihanna's Energy Leadership process was a game-changer for me. Through her guidance, I was able to delve into the beliefs and mindsets that influenced my actions and decisions. Her approach, which included an introspective assessment and debrief process, provided clarity on my leadership style and its impact.

Tihanna also introduced me to leadership and speaking frameworks with hands-on practices that boosted my confidence, especially in high-stakes situations. Her insights into communication overall were particularly enlightening. With her expertise, I not only have become more self-aware but I have also learned to harness my strengths and address my weaknesses effectively.

Working with Tihanna has been a pivotal experience. Her guidance and strategies have empowered me to lead with greater confidence and clarity. I am deeply appreciative of her unwavering support and expertise.


Crystal Rountree, Chief Revenue & Development Officer, Teach for America